Aroma marketing - aromas at the service of marketing. Everything you need to know about this

Aroma marketing is a very interesting solution. It is a recognised technique of sensory marketing that aims to impact the senses in various different ways and evoke specific reactions in clients. In this case, actions focus on stimulating the sense of smell. What does this method involve and what examples are there of aroma marketing?

In a time of increasingly growing competition, companies are using many different tools to attract consumer attention and encourage them to buy their products. The easiest way to do this is by preparing an aesthetic and original packaging that attracts attention and is memorable. It is also worth harnessing aroma marketing, for instance, which involves playing with different aromas that evoke pleasurable associations and help build the right brand image.

What is aroma marketing Definitions

The definition of aroma marketing, also referred to as scent marketing, is quite simple. Aroma marketing is used to define one of the concepts comprising sensory marketing, which involves a set of actions that are intended to influence the behaviours and purchase choices of people using the senses: not just sight, but also hearing, touch, and smell.

According to the name, aroma marketing refers to actions that are based on the use of scents. They have an incredible impact on people. They exert a strong influence of the human subconscious and evoke emotions and memories. They can be remembered for many years – ultimately, sometimes it’s enough to smell something to recall a pleasant moment from the past, from childhood, for instance. Advertising specialists noticed this dependency and decided to harness it in their work. That is how aroma marketing emerged and its beginnings date back to the 1990s. In those days, it started to develop and grow in the US and Australia and soon spread to other countries as well. Although it appeared in Poland relatively recently and is still not that popular, it goes without saying that it is an interesting solution that can bolster and support sales.

Why it’s worth implementing aroma marketing?

According to the definition, aroma marketing is tasked with acting on the sense of smell and, through this, to influence the decisions of clients. A suitably selected scent evokes positive emotions, allows a pleasant atmosphere to be created and, most of all, evokes the desire in customers to engage in impulse buying. A pleasant scent that is excellently adjusted and consistent with the communication of a given brand is also conducive to building its strong position and desired image, enhancing recognition and making it stand out from among its competition.

Apart from this, aroma marketing is also interesting for the clients, raising their comfort and improving their overall impression related to their contact with a given brand or its products. This, in turn, translates into helping them to remember and recall the product and, in the future, demonstrate a greater willingness to buy it again. Harnessing scents wisely enhances consumer loyalty towards the company and gives a sense of using more luxurious and prestigious products. One of the tools or aroma marketing is dispersing a specific aroma in a given store. It can affect the time that customers want to spend in a given store and make them more susceptible to engage with the store personnel.

Aroma marketing – Examples

There are many examples of aroma marketing. A popular way of impacting consumers is the the already mentioned aromatisation of premises. Such a solution is perfect for commercial premises (e.g., beauty stores, pharmacies, clothes stores, stores with gadgets, car showrooms, etc.) as well as food courts and restaurants, cafes, and confectioners.

Scented gadgets and accessories are also another innovative solution. They can be placed on different products and are best in cosmetics or candles. They attract consumer attention and allow them to become familiarised with the scent of a particular product without having to open its packaging.

Apart from that, an interesting example of aroma marketing is attaching perfumed paper or other scented elements to packages that are dispatched within online sales. Such a solution also has a positive effect on the overall consumer experience with a given brand.

Aroma marketing – scents attracting consumers

Aromas within aroma marketing should suit the given brand and the products that it sells. It is also worth knowing the types of aromas that have the best effects across different industries and the impact they can have. The things that should be borne in mind are:

  • Fresh aromas (e.g., of the scent of fresh laundry) – are perfect for stores selling textiles,

  • natural, plant aromas and essential oils (e.g., lavender) – have a relaxing effect which is why they are suitable for beauty stores and salons,

  • Aromas associated with food (e.g., cinnamon, chocolate, fruit, coffee) – can have a stimulating effect and are good for stores with food and in restaurants,

  • Spicy aromas – are motivating,

  • Luxury goods (associated with perfumes) – are great for prestigious, more expensive stores or products.


Appropriately selected and combined aromas in aroma marketing allow a unique scent logo to be created which will be associated with a specific enterprise. Thanks to this, the brand can significantly outrun the competition.


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